Friday, November 22, 2019

Elizabeth Movie Poster Critique

Elizabeth’s movie title Reality is very boxy and angled giving it a nice contrast to the curved lines of the characters. It is also transparent indicated only with an outline and allowing the viewer to see threw to the background. The font choice when looked at can be viewed as facing left or right which could show a shift.
The character are hand drawn making me assume that this would be an animated movie. The way that the character are posed makes them look like they’re falling except for the characters on the right. The way her leg is bent makes it look like she’s leaning against a wall instead of falling or floating like the other characters do.
Over all the background gives a almost cloud like dream look to the whole poster. It would be interesting if a depth was added to it unless they are falling or floating through a void of pastel almost tie-dyed colors. It contrasts strongly with the colors and it might make the poster more coherent to soften the characters colors. The characters match the title with their black outlines and the title mixes well with the background showing through it but there’s a disconnect between the background and the characters.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Milton Ted Talk Response

Milton TED talk response

The different iterations of different pieces is extremely interesting to view. It gives the viewer a snapshot of how he thinks, and how he solves problems. There is so much contrast in how the same design can be created.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Movie Plot

Somethings not right in the castle, prisoners keep going missing and the only one with keys to the cell s is off in another castle on important business from the king. With the captain of the guards and half the kingdoms troops gone with him the remain guards struggle to solve this mystery on their own. Their numbers are slowly dwindling.

Everyone is Altered Response

Everyone is altered response
It isn’t surprising to me that beauty work would be done. Especially considering the photo editing people can do with apps like photoshop and FaceTune. It just seems like the midway point between photo editing and animation.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Movie Poster

This movie poster appeals to me because it looks like the cover of a book that I would pick up to read the summary of. 

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nike’s Chief of Design Doodles All Day Response

Nike's Chief of Design Doodles All Day Response

I think its lovely that designers are allowed to explore different designs and concepts they come up with. Shoes that feel like you're walking on grass when you wear them seem interesting but i wonder if they feel like you're wearing shoes and walking on grass or if it feels like your walking bare foot on grass.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sunset Color Drag

How to Ruin a Great Design Response

"How to Ruin a Great Design" Response

I agree that the font size change of  Diverted completely distracts for actually reading the sign. I went to talk about the article with one of my friends later and couldn’t even remember what the sign said except cyclists. 

Re-thinking the Way We Sit Down Video Response

Re-thinking the Way We Sit Down Video Response

Before watching the video I wouldn’t have thought twice about all the planning and design elements that went into creating a chair. All the small details that were added, the weight balance, simple adjustability, and the material all matter in making a functional and comfortable chair that would be enjoyable to sit in without complex adjustments and instructions.

Friday, September 6, 2019

First Day Questions

First Day Questions

1. What is your previous computer experience?
I've taken web design, graphic design, and digital software applications classes in high school.

2. What do you hope to get out of this class?
More experience working with photoshop and to learn more about graphic design.

3. What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I worked with photoshop in my high school graphic design class. 

4. Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I do have a home computer, it dose not hav Photoshop or Illustrator. 

5. Do you use a Mac or PC?
I use PC.

6. What do you hope to do with your major?
I hope to find a job dealing with my major.

7. Who is your favorite artist?
I don't have a favorite artist.

8. Who is your favorite musician? 
My favorite musician is Cavetown

9. Tell me something interesting about yourself?
I have Two Great Danes at home.

10. Write a five line story.
I have two cats, their names are Suki and Bot. Bot's name is actually Parker but he's called Baby Bot because of his broken Tail and the fact that his previous owner raised him from birth. She was moving and couldn't bring Bot with her. We got Bot because my twin Haley wanted a cat, he was kept in my room and I became his favorite. Haley got jealous so we took Suki home from the shelter to be her cat. Now Suki mainly lives in my room and Bot lives in Haley's room.